Arrive at yourself:
6 tips for finding inner clarity
Winter is picking up speed, time is passing and we have arrived. In the new year. But many people still haven't arrived. Namely with themselves. But what is the cause? Well, they often allow themselves to be controlled too much by others, don't pay attention to their needs and desires or have lost their basic trust in life. Reason enough for us to look into this topic. We therefore give you 6 tips on how you can come to terms with yourself, find more inner clarity and thus be ready for something new. This is the only way to lead a harmonious life and make the right decisions at important crossroads in life.
- Start and end the day consciously: Getting up hastily, grabbing a quick cup of coffee, checking emails and social media channels and heading off to work without a meal. This is the typical morning for many people. But such a routine is not conducive to finding inner clarity. It's better to establish a routine that helps you get in touch with yourself in the morning, gently wake up your body and focus your mind on what's important for the day. One option is a short yoga or fitness session, another is meditation. Visualizing the day ahead can also be helpful, possibly combined with positive affirmations. In the evening, yoga and meditation can also help to calm your body and mind. Or you can start with a gratitude journal and recall all the positive aspects of the last few hours before going to bed.
- Observe thoughts and feelings: Many people have forgotten how to consciously pay attention to their thoughts and feelings. Our actions are often determined by unprocessed feelings from the past or we have unconsciously developed patterns that we fall into again and again. Both can stand in the way of our development. Therefore, consciously carve out time on a regular basis to take a closer look. Our tip: Take a piece of paper and pen and create a column with thoughts that you are aware of and one with thoughts that you would like to have instead. The same applies to feelings: anger, sadness, fear, joy, shame - they all need to be felt. Because if you push them away, you run the risk of being overwhelmed by them. Regular observation helps you to realize that although your thoughts and feelings are inside you, you are not your thoughts and feelings.
- Allow yourself time out: Strictly speaking, we have to say that "indulge" is actually the wrong word in this context, as regular time-outs should not be a luxury. Rather, it is about recognizing that they are vital. Because in our fast-paced world, we are bombarded with countless impressions every day. This is not only hard on our bodies, but also on our minds. In order to find more clarity and find yourself, you should therefore consciously take time out. Just a few minutes a day - in the morning and evening, for example - can be effective. Combine this with meditation, breathing exercises or a walk at . Allow yourself to not have to know, solve or plan anything for a few moments, but just be.
- Work out questions and values compass: A goal can only be achieved if you know what it looks like in the first place. Sounds plausible, but when applied to our everyday lives, it's not that easy. Far too often we sit at the helm without a plan. Don't get this wrong: there may well be moments in life when it makes sense to let yourself be carried by the waves without knowing exactly where you are heading. But if you want to find yourself, it's a good idea to get a clear picture of who you are, what you want and what your goals are. Whether you create a mood board with pictures or deal with one question every day is up to you. The important thing is to be ruthlessly honest with yourself and not allow yourself to be determined by others. All of this creates order. By the way: Sorting and sorting out your real environment can also support this process. After all, a calm mind often rests in a tidy environment.
- Dare to experiment big and small: On the way to becoming your true self, it is helpful to try out lots of things. This is the only way to know what suits you. So don't be afraid to experiment - you can only win. Either you discover something new for yourself that you no longer want to do without in your life, or you know exactly where you don't want to go. How about getting up an hour earlier for a month? Or reducing your wardrobe by half? Avoiding sugar, coffee and alcohol can also be a good idea. Perhaps try out a sport, fall in love with traveling alone or discover your artistic talent at a painting course. Take the plunge!
- Spend time in nature: Nature is one of our most important teachers. For example, it teaches us patience - true to the motto: everything in its own time. Because it only starts to snow when the temperatures are low enough. And only when they rise again does nature blossom. And this conscious waiting, noticing every change and trusting that everything will fall into place strengthens our basic trust in life and makes us more mindful. In addition, time spent in the great outdoors grounds us and many find it easier to access their own roots. Last but not least, forest bathing, i.e. consciously spending time in the forest, has a number of positive effects on our health. For example, it reduces the stress hormone cortisol and lowers the heart rate.
A place to find yourself
Whether you want to take a break from everyday life, test your own limits with a new sport or be inspired by the mountains - the Turracher Höhe is an ideal place to find more inner clarity and come back to yourself. Because here, between the lake and the summit, surrounded by a sea of stone pines, body and mind can breathe again. We know this because we at the Seehotel Jägerwirt have the privilege of waking up in this unique setting every day. However, we also focus intensively on important topics relating to mental health and have designed a series of retreats for this purpose - from anti-burnout retreats to flow. Fancy shedding old baggage and really celebrating your new self? Then come and join us!
Alexander Springenschmidt, Managing Director of Seehotel Jägerwirt, is an expert on the topic of flow throughout the DACH region. With his "High Flow Time Management" patent, he helps people to achieve twice as much in half the time without burning out.