Sustainability with a difference
A vacation flow that lasts
We are reducing ourcarbon footprint, building an environmentally conscious business, relying on sustainable energy sources, growing our own vegetables or at least buying sustainably produced products. More and more is sustainable in some way these days - and we have already become accustomed to this. For older people, however, the topic of "sustainability" often still needs a little explaining. Sustainability used to be quite normal, especially in non-urban areas. But then the mountains of plastic and waste grew. In any case, the fact is that nowadays the topic of "sustainability" is mostly associated with the environment and less often with other areas of life. But what if we were to give sustainability a whole new dimension? That is the question this blog post deals with.
Our ideal combination
Let's start with a question: what do you think of when you want to go on a sustainable vacation? Do you eat produce from local farmers who use no or at least organic fertilizers, keep their animals in a species-appropriate manner and treat them with respect? Do you stay in a hotel that makes a point of obtaining its energy from sustainable sources? Do you benefit from a ski resort that is so high up that you mainly ski on natural snow and there is no noise from snow cannons? Well, we meet all these standards. But that's not the point.
Let's leave the environment aside for a moment in the next step. Instead, ask yourself: What else could sustainability mean - especially in relation to yourself? And to your well-being? Then a sustainable vacation would mean that you would still feel the effects of your time away in your body, mind and soul long after you have left. In other words, everything that is so important to you on vacation would still have the same significance afterwards. The quality time with your loved ones. The focus you put on your body and mind. The motivation with which you march up the mountain. The way you perceive nature. The time you take to enjoy your meal. Or the speed at which you consciously slow down. In other words: imagine extending the positive effect of your vacation and still feeling the same flow at home as you do away from home. Far away from everything negative. And very close to yourself. And now we are exactly where we want to be. Because that is the goal of the unique combination of mental wellness and a sustainable vacation destination.
An iceberg that can change
Sure, that sounds like an illusion at first. But it all starts with an illusion that we can ultimately turn into reality. In a dreamlike place. With like-minded people. And the necessary time. So at the very beginning there is the intention - the intention to consciously decide on a sustainable vacation that will have a lasting effect. We can therefore generally define sustainability as something that begins with an intention and then has a decisive effect on our lives. And suddenly, coupled with precisely this awareness, what has become a buzzword becomes a term that needs to be used carefully. Carefully because the awareness with which you make decisions is directly proportional to the responsibility you bear.
The crux of the matter, however, is that if we were to examine how many decisions we really make consciously and how often we do something unconsciously, we would be looking at a ratio that is roughly equivalent to that of an iceberg. The small part that sticks out of the water represents the conscious thoughts and actions, whereas the much larger part remains hidden under water. At the same time, the upper part grows out of the lower base - and this in turn means that the change must start at the bottom. However, if the water around the iceberg is at the wrong temperature - even if it is only a few degrees Celsius - the iceberg has no chance of changing at all. So it's also about the people you surround yourself with. And the places you spend time in. But be aware that you have all of this in your own hands: You decide whether the ice melts or the iceberg remains. Or whether something changes or not.
A vacation that lingers
What we can do for you at the Seehotel Jägerwirt is to create an environment in which you can grow and flourish, in which your mind can unfold and your body can let go. In the end, of course, you decide what you take home with you and how intensely the insights and memories you gather here will ultimately affect your life. But rest assured: you will definitely take something positive away from your stay with us that will have a lasting effect.