The magical and precious Austrian stone pine forests:
About the healthy effects of this tree species
The stone pine is a fascinating plant that is valuable to us humans in many ways. On the one hand, it is used to make furniture. On the other hand, the tree is said to have a special effect. And that's what the following blog post is all about. Why is this topic so important to us? Quite simply because we, the Seehotel Jägerwirt, are located in a truly unique place. Here, on this plateau, not only do the provinces of Styria and Carinthia meet, but the Turracher Höhe is also home to Austria's and Europe's largest contiguous Swiss stone pine forests. A magical, green oasis that inspires at any time of year. Reason enough for us to say a few words about it.
The stone pine - a survivor
Let's start with the hard facts: The stone pine, also known as the Swiss stone pine, belongs to the pine family. It grows up to 25 meters high and can live up to 1000 years. Imagine what stories all the trees that surround us would have to tell if they could speak. But this is not "The Lord of the Rings" and our Swiss stone pine forests are no Ents like Treebeard and his colleagues - even if our dreamlike landscape would be just as suitable for fairytale fantasy films. But back to the facts: The stone pine feels particularly at home in the Alps and Carpathians and is also considered a survivalist. The reason? This tree species sometimes grows in places where other trees would have long since withered away. Its wood has a distinctive pattern, is light and soft and therefore very easy to work. This is why it is not only used to make furniture or paneling, but also for carving works of art. And then there is its distinctive scent. Most people describe it as aromatic and pleasant and immediately think of a dense forest with mosses, leaves and glistening dew - and it is not uncommon for a feeling of relaxation to set in.
The healthy effects of stone pine
But it's not just the appealing scent of Swiss stone pine that can do you good - studies have now even proven the health-promoting properties of this tree species. According to these studies, sleeping in a Swiss stone pine bed can have a positive effect on health because it lowers the heart rate. And the fewer beats our heart has to perform each day, the less work this means for our entire organism. The result: we are more balanced, more relaxed and sleep better. And restful sleep is known to be one of the most important pieces in the mosaic when it comes to health. Swiss stone pine is also said to have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is even said to strengthen the vagus nerve. This runs from the brain stem via the neck and chest to the abdomen and is considered to be the switch point between the brain and the organs. It therefore has a major influence on various bodily functions and can dampen or stimulate our well-being. A well-developed vagus nerve is important because it can counteract inflammation, depression or illness. According to experts, the essential oils contained in Swiss stone pine are primarily responsible for this healthy effect. In particular, the active ingredient pinene or pinosylvin, which protects the wood from fungal infestation, not only has an antibacterial effect, but also has a calming and mood-enhancing effect. Incidentally, stone pines from the Alpine region contain much more pinosylvin than stone pines from eastern regions such as Russia - so we can count ourselves lucky in Austria in this respect.
In the middle of the magic land of stone pines
Speaking of luck: luck is particularly kind to us on the Turracher Höhe. Because, as already mentioned, the Seehotel Jägerwirt is located in the middle of Austria's and Europe's largest contiguous Swiss stone pine forests. The plateau on the Carinthian border not only boasts gentle mountain peaks and glistening lakes, but also this sea of green treetops. And you can benefit from this too, if you wish. During your vacation with us, this magical land of stone pine invites you to take long walks and hikes, bike tours and ski adventures. In winter, the aromatic giants turn into magical, sugary plants that begin to glisten in the soft winter light. However, we have long since brought the magic of Swiss stone pine into the interior of our hotel - namely into our Swiss stone pine spa. There, the Swiss stone pine also sets the tone, ensures relaxing hours and plays the leading role in soothing treatments.